Book a Workshop

Field Head Farm - Choose a 2 hour Creative Activity as part of a Bespoke Package booked directly with Field Head Farm

Field Head Farm - Choose a 2 hour Creative Activity as part of a Bespoke Package booked directly with Field Head Farm


Choose from a selection of Creative Activities, each one a mini version of my full day Creative Workshops. All materials supplied and tutoring will be given by Maggie, all activities suitable for beginners or more experienced creatives.

Whether you feel like starting a sketchbook habit, want to find a purpose for painting, try collage, enjoy a mindful painting or stitching experience or use lettering creatively, there is something for everyone. Don’t be put off if you believe you “cannot draw” you will have fun exploring the materials and ideas, enjoyment is the name of the game. Maggie’s Vision Board Workshop is always a popular one too and especially helpful if you are at a point in time where there are some big plans to be made, Maggie has worked with individuals, small groups and also families, so all are welcome to explore creating their own personal Vision Board.

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Picture it in Paper - Using patterned, printed and painted papers, cutting and tearing them to create our desired artwork

Sketchbook Journaling - Learning to use a sketchbook to capture your response to the things you see and realising it’s not about creating an amazing picture, but noting the shapes, textures, colours, sounds and memories of a moment on paper - if you want a perfect picture, you can just take a photo, but the pages will provide much more personal memories

More than Words - Using paints and ink with various tools to produce beautiful artworks around letters and words

An Introduction to Painting with a Purpose - Every painting doesn’t need to be framed and hung on the wall, enjoy exploring what you want to paint and how. I will be guiding you to select what you are going to paint and how you might do that. Just to manage your expectation - this is not a class where we all paint exactly the same picture step by step.

Making Marks, Mark Making - as part of my own creative practice I always begin any new work with a series of mark making exercises, sometimes the papers become works of art in their own right, other pieces may be used later in a collage or other project, but the process is always surprising.

Brush Strokes, Mindful Painting - Painting using all the senses, being fully present and noticing everything around you as you connect with your subject and capture what you see in a very personal way.

Inspired to stitch, An introduction - You may enjoy cross stitch or something similar, but out of your comfort zone without a guide showing you what to do next. We will produce our own designs and translate them into stitch.

Sip and Stitch - Slow stitching has become quite a movement over recent years and as a Textile Artist, I love sitting stitching, but Slow Stitching for me is like taking the needle on a journey across your fabric, the stitches are fairly simple, but the feel of the threads and the fabric between your hands becomes a very comforting thing and the conversation or silence in the room is precious.

Paint, Pen and Ink - Mixing these different mediums to interesting effect, in a very loose way, sometimes controlling, other times allowing the paint and inks to move across the page, the vibrant colours and unexpected results can be quite amazing.

Vision Board Workshop - A great process and a fabulous resource, especially if you are at a stage of change, making new or maybe big plans, aiming for some special goals or just wanting to have more clarity about the direction of life generally. Less about sifting through endless magazines, more about connecting with your own focus. Maggie has worked with individuals, groups and families with excellent feed back.